Liberty Crafty Christians; sewing and quilting for a purpose!
Monday, February 10, 2025
Crafty Christians watches how to make a rag rug and check out Priscilla’s chandelier quilt!
Monday, February 3, 2025
Thank you Debra Beaumont from Sulphur Springs, a Project Linus sponsor, for visiting Crafty Christians!
February 2025
Monday, January 13, 2025
Crafty Christians start the New Year by displaying their talents! We are delivering 31 quilts to the Linus Project this week!
January 2025
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Crafty Christians Connie, Priscilla and Anita enjoy a day at Stitch N Heaven for Customer Appreciation Day. Pictured is Connie attending a quilting demonstration.
October 2024
Monday, September 30, 2024
Jesse’s new scrappy quilt! Patrons at the library can purchase tickets for a drawing of three different quilts this week while visiting their book sale!
Monday, September 9, 2024
We have more wares to share for the Fall Bazaar, scrappy quilts, working on the long arms and Ellie, our newest member, shares a fun project she is donating to the Fall Bazaar sale!
Monday, September 2, 2024
Talented ladies share their recent quilts on Labor Day!
Monday, August 26, 2024
More Hobo purses made by Kathy to sell at the upcoming Fall Bazaar in November. Crafty Christians also get a tutorial on our new to us Long Arm!
Monday, August 19, 2024
Crafty Christian’s share their new creations of the week from quilts, to burp clothes and a Hobo bag ready for the Fall Bazaar sale in November. We also took time to celebrate the end of July and August birthdays with a fun lunch at the Red Dome.
Monday, August 12,2024
Another productive day of sharing and sewing!
Monday, August 4, 2024
Crafty Christians are prolific in their quilt making! Kathy shares purses she is making for the upcoming Craft Fair in early November.
August 2024
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Jerry and Anita visit Mr. Mason, the superintendent for Quitman ISD, to discuss QUISD at-risk students being the recipient of the craft fair earnings this year.
Monday, July 29, 2024
Jerry stops by to share idea about upcoming flyer for the craft fair. Connie gives a tutorial on paper piecing and the ladies share their latest creations!
Monday, July 1, 2024
July 2024
Monday, June 24, 2024
Crafty Christians celebrate JoAnna’s 91st birthday!
Monday, June 10, 2024
So much to share each Monday! Hooray! The new to us quilting machine is build and running smoothly.
June 2024
May 20, 2024
More show and tell from some talented ladies!
May 13, 2024
Sharing quilts, placemats and potholders. Marine quilt will be scheduled to be presenting to Woody on Thursday. Pictured is Mrs. White with her donated quilt. Crafty Christians also seen starting to put together our new quilting frame!!!!
May 6, 2024
Quilts in progress and finished quilts. Priscilla shares the quilt tops she worked on while her and her husband served at UMCoR Sager Brown Depot last month.
May 2024
April 15, 2024
More Show and Tell!
30 more quilts to be donated to the Linus Project!
April 1, 2024
Show and tell time! The ladies have been busy!
March 23, 2024
Crafty Christians celebrate Billie Nell Law Wilder’s life; August 6, 1941-January 24, 2023.
March 18, 2024
The ladies are really enjoying their new space- so much room to work and store fabric, quilts and tools/notions.
February 12, 2024
Crafty Christian ladies step out to celebrate Teddy’s 98th birthday at the Red Dome! Fun and fellowship was had by all.
February 2024
25 quilts donated to the Linus Project
6 quilts donated to Mercy Mansion
6 quilts donated to Mercy Mansion
January 22, 2024
Teddy Shampine is honored at the January 22nd meeting with a plaque that will hang outside of the Crafty Christian workroom celebrating that she established the group in 2002. The plaque reads; Crafty Christians, established 2002 by Teddy Shampine, sharing God’s love through sewing, charity and fellowship.
January 20, 2024
Crafty Christian’s have a blast rummaging through an estate sale for fabric and sewing notions!
January 2024
December 2023
Teddy Shampine receives a large print hymnal in her honor for founding Crafty Christians from her Crafy Christian sisters. Since 2020 to December 2023 Crafty Christians have donated 326 quilts! (10 to the Rainbow Room, 10 to Uvalde and 306 to the Linus Project).
November 13, 2023
Crafty Christians experimenting with new tools of the trade.
November 4, 2034. Quilt, Craft, and Bake Sale
Another successful Quilt, Craft, Bake Sale! Congratulations goes to Shelly Chance who won the JoAnna Nelson quilt drawing!
October 8, 2023
JoAnna just finished binding the Queen size quilt for the upcoming Quilt, Craft, Bake sale on November 4th!
October 2, 2023
Crafty Christians at work!
September 25, 2023
Crafty Christians sewing for the Linus Project and getting ready for the Fall Festival!
September 2023
July 2023
Quilts by Liberty Crafty Christians
June 2023
Celebrating JoAnna’s 90th birthday.
May 2023
March 2023
An example of one of the pew lap blankets the Crafty Christian members sewed this year.
Monday, February 13, 2023
Liberty Crafty Christians celebrate our founder Teddy Shampine- living 97 years with a young spirit and a sharp brain.
Monday, December 19, 2022, Crafty Christian Christmas Party
What a fabulous time we all had celebrating together as sisters of Christ. Thank you Connie for opening up your beautiful home to gather as a group to enjoy celebrating Jesus and sharing in sweet fellowship with each other.
Back row left to right: Donna, Connie, Jean, Kathy, JoAnna, & Priscilla
Front row left to right: Anita, Teddy, & Billy
Front row left to right: Anita, Teddy, & Billy
Friday, December 2, 2022 Stitchn' Heaven Expo field trip!
Saturday, November 5, 2022
Liberty Quilt, Craft, and Bake Sale was a SUCCESS!!!!
Queen Bees of Creativity and Quality quilt making! These are the craftiest of Christians!
Winners of the quilt drawings: Janet Painter and Patty Hurt.
Liberty Crafts and bake sale is set for November 5. All proceeds of crafts, quilts, and bake sales will benefit local ministries such as Liberties own Caring and Sharing, Quitman Elementary, Rainbow Room, etc.
Quilt Drawing!
- We are selling tickets for a drawing to win two beautiful quilts.
- Tickets are $2 or $5 for 3. Ask a Crafty Christian member if you want to purchase some tickets.
- The drawing will be at the Liberty Crafts and Bake Sale at Liberty Church on November 5.
- The queen sized quilt was made by JoAnna Nelson and quilted by Stitch & Fish, LLC., Ashley Wansley.
- The throw sized quilt was made by Connie Holiday.
- All monies will be donated to local charities.
October 3, 2022 More Inventory!!!! for the Quilt, Craft and Bake sale for November 5th!
October 2022
September 19, 2022 Taking inventory of the goodies that will be for sale on November 5th!
September 2022
More hand crafted items ready to sell at the Liberty Craft and Bake Sale on November 5th!
September 2022
August 2022
Sunday, August 14, 2022 Show and Tell… mystery garden quilt, Linus quilt and more items for the Liberty Craft Show
Pictured here are more items being made by our own talented Crafty Christians…soft books, tortilla warmers, bowl cozies, etc. Mark your calendars for November 5th for the Liberty Crafts and Bake Sale!!!
July 2022
Crafty Christians meet with Kathy Welch of Project Linus to donate quilts to Project Linus and the Uvalde's 600 quilt drive.
Jo Anna Nelson models one of the many hats she has made for the upcoming Liberty Craft and Bake Sale on Saturday, November 5th!
Kathy Goodman creations for the upcoming Liberty Craft and Bake Sale! Infant hat, seat belt covers, bibs, and tortilla warmers.
June 2022
Sharing, trimming, choosing the next fabric, hand binding, organizing, quilting and ironing are just some of the things we do as Crafty Christians each time we meet.
One of our favorite parts of our fellowship is sharing! Priscilla is shown here presenting a new quilt pattern she tried out.
June’s quilt display- seamstress: Billie
Monday, May 23, 2022
JoAnna Nelson creates sturdy bags for donation to Quitman’s Children’s Advocacy Center. The children can use the bags to carry their possessions.
May 2022
Members share ideas, organize and maintain their machines while making quilts for kids!
Thank you JoAnna for sharing how to build a "Crumb" quilt with us!
Rev. David Hicks blesses the Project Linus quilts.
Crafty Christians take a field trip to the Rainbow Room, a mission the church and Crafty Christians support.
Crafty Christians say thank you to Bob Stewart for all he does to help us be more efficient!!! All he wanted in return for all his work is a Princess Quilt for his grand daughter.
Thursday, February 10, 2022 Celebrating our founder Teddy Shampine's birthday a couple of days early!
Crafty Christians are so thankful for Bob Stewart and Dean Benge for all they to to help our mission be more successful!
Thank you Mr. Stewart for our homemade cart and switching out our craft door to swing out so we can be more efficient. Thank you Mr. Benge for hanging up the curtain rod so that we may showcase future quilts in our Fellowship Hall.
These are hard working ladies that are always planning and creating every day!
Crafty Christians in the newspaper!!!!
Crafty Christians take time for fellowship, apple cider, games, and a fun lunch to celebrate Christmas at Teddy's beautiful home.
Crafty Christians man a booth of homemade goodies and sold donation tickets for our Hunters Star Quilt
Crafty Christians enjoy a potluck salad and donating a handmade quilt to Mrs. Diann Lee

Members of the Crafty Christians are from the Liberty and First United Methodist Churches in Quitman and from surrounding areas. They meet each Monday from 10 am to 2 at the Liberty Fellowship Hall.
This group has supported various charitable projects through the years, such as providing clothing and blankets for the Rainbow Room in Quitman, clothing for area schools, adult bibs for nursing homes, quilts and blankets for the Linus Project, and layettes for stillborn babies.
This group has supported various charitable projects through the years, such as providing clothing and blankets for the Rainbow Room in Quitman, clothing for area schools, adult bibs for nursing homes, quilts and blankets for the Linus Project, and layettes for stillborn babies.
The Crafty Christians work hard to create more challenging and creative projects to bring joy and comfort to the children of the Linus Project.
Donna, Teddy and Connie
Craft Christians busy at work each Monday
Members discuss new quilt designs, show off weekly projects and work on current quilts for the Linus Project.
Blessing of the quilts on the Fourth
Rev. David Hicks blessed the quilts that our sewing group (Crafty Christians), comprised of six ladies, made the past two months. The two ladies at the front of this photo are the most prolific and creative quilters. These quilts will now go to Project Linus. The ladies are so much fun to work with every Monday.
Project Linus
The focus for 2020 and 2021 is providing homemade blankets of all types for Project Linus. The blankets will be given to children from infants to 18 years of age. At February’s meeting, the guest speaker was Kathy Welch, Project Linus Coordinator for Tyler and Smith County. She described how Project Linus began nearly 25 years ago when one woman wanted to help children who were frightened and away from their parents during surgery, cancer treatments, or in other scenarios. Kathy’s husband, James, also helps deliver blankets. He is a Hospice Chaplain and retired minister. Blankets provided by loving hands are a tangible comfort to children and their parents during stressful times. That security blanket continues to provide comfort for many years. For example, one little girl who was in a battle with cancer, was given a blanket and she never left home without it. |
Project Linus is totally nonprofit and is active in every state. Amazingly, no one in the organization receives a salary. The Tyler Smith County Project Linus gave 3,500 blankets to children in 2019. By the end of February 2020, more than 8 million blankets were given away. All Project Linus blankets must be made of new materials. To serve this need, the Crafty Christians will be making fleece tied blankets, quilts, and crocheted or knitted blankets. In this way, the members can pass on love to others by doing what they love. Some of the blankets the Crafty Christians make will be delivered to charities in Wood County. |